Biebon products are in no-way replicas of or imitations of any other company’s product and stand alone in their own right and on their own merits. Biebon is managed by Bibi Siti Resources. Our product range are not connected in any way to any other competitive company. Brand names found here are for reference purposes only.

The purpose of the description next to each of the Biebon products is to provide an approximate indication of scent. Biebon (managed by Bibi Siti Resources) do not claim in any respect that the Biebon products are identical in any way to the brand name products mentioned adjacent to the Biebon products. Interpretation of fragrance scent is a matter of personal taste and reliance on these descriptions cannot be accepted as a reason for claiming a refund. Furthermore, with the exception of the Biebon products, the brand names quoted are the sole property of the manufacturers of those products. Biebon (managed by Bibi Siti Resources) are not affiliated with nor sponsored by any of the brand name.